• A56 -- Seismic-, Wind-, and Flood-Resistant Design (I-P)

A56 -- Seismic-, Wind-, and Flood-Resistant Design (I-P)

ASHRAE , 2023

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This chapter covers the design of restraints to limit equipment movement and to keep the equipment captive during an earthquake or extreme wind loading. Seismic restraints and isolators do not reduce the forces transmitted to the restrained equipment. Instead, properly designed and installed seismic restraints and isolators have the necessary strength to withstand the imposed forces. However, equipment that is to be restrained must also have the necessary strength to remain attached to the restraint. SEISMIC-RESISTANT DESIGN Terminology Calculations Applying Static Analysis Computation of Loads at Building Connection ANSI Steel Bolts Lag Screws into Timber Concrete Post-Installed Anchor Bolts Weld Capacities Seismic Snubbers Seismic Restraints Restraint of Pipe and Duct Risers Examples Installation Problems WIND-RESISTANT DESIGN Terminology Calculations Wall-Mounted HVAC&R Component Calculations (Louvers) Certification of HVAC&R Components for Wind

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