• AAMI EC71:2001

AAMI EC71:2001

Standard communications protocol for computer assisted electrocardiography

Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation , 08/02/2002

Publisher: AAMI

File Format: PDF


This standard covers the two-way digital transmission of remote requests and results between digital electrocardiographs (ECG carts) and heterogeneous computer systems (hosts). It specifies the content and structure of the information which is to be interchanged between digital ECG carts and computer ECG management systems (ECG DBMS), as well as other computer systems where ECG data can be stored. It enables any two such systems to establish a logical link for communications ECG related data in a standard and interpretable form. Based on prENV 1064.

AAMI EC71:2001 History

AAMI EC71:2001/(R)2013

AAMI EC71:2001/(R)2013

$40.00 $80.00

AAMI EC71:2001

AAMI EC71:2001

$52.00 $105.00

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