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American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 11/01/2004
Publisher: AASHTO
File Format: PDF
Chapter 1: Highway FunctionsFunctional Classification, Functional System Characteristics, Functional Highway Systems in Urbanized Areas.
Chapter 2: Design and Controls CriteriaDesign Vehicles, Driver Performance, Highway Capacity, Access Control and Management, The Pedestrian, Bicycle Facilities, Safety, Environment, Economic Analysis.
Chapter 3: Elements of DesignSight Distance, Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment.
Chapter 4: Cross Sections ElementsPavement, Lane Widths, Shoulders, Horizontal Clearance to Obstructions, Curbs, Drainage Channels and Side Slopes, Illustrative Outer Cross Sections, Traffic Barriers, Medians, Frontage Roads, Outer Separations, Noise Control, Roadside Control, Tunnels, Pedestrian Facilities, Bus Turnouts, On-Street Parking.
Chapter 5: Local Roads and StreetsLocal Rural Roads, Local Urban Streets, Special Purpose Roads.
Chapter 6: Collector Roads and StreetsRural Collectors, Urban Collectors.
Chapter 7: Rural and Urban ArterialsRural Arterials, Urban Arterials: General Design Characteristics, Access Management, Bikeways and Pedestrian Facilities Operation Control and Regulations, Provisions for Utilities, Public Transit Facilities.
Chapter 8: FreewaysGeneral Design Considerations, Rural Freeways, Urban Freeways, Elevated Freeways, Ground Level Freeways.
Chapter 9: IntersectionsGeneral Design Considerations and Objections, Capacity Analysis, Alignment and Profile, Islands, Turning Roadways with Corner Islands, Free-Flowing Turning Roadways at Intersections, Superelevation for Turning Roadways at Intersections; Traffic Control Devices, Intersection Sight Distance.
Chapter 10: Grade Separations and InterchangesIntroduction and General Types of Interchanges, Warrants for Interchanges and Grade Separations, Adaptability of Highway Grade Separations and other Interchange Design Features.
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