• AASHTO M 279-14 (2022)

AASHTO M 279-14 (2022)

Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated, Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric [ASTM Designation: A116-11(2016)]

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2014

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This specification covers metallic-coated steel fence fabric having a series of horizontal (line) wires, with vertical (stay) wires either wrapped around the line wire (hinge joint) or fixed with another separate wire to the line wire (continuous stay fixed knot joint), forming rectangular openings. The fence fabric is suitable for use in fences for farm field enclosures (to keep domestic animals in or out), for wildlife and exotic animal control, for highway or railroad right-of-way fencing (to control access), and other similar uses.

This specification covers fence fabric in various designs, tensile strength grades, and metallic coating types and grades.

AASHTO M 279-14 (2022) History

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