• AASHTO M 290-96 (2018)

AASHTO M 290-96 (2018)

Standard Specification for Acrylic Prismatic Reflectors and Embossed Aluminum Frames for Signs

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2018

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


AASHTO M 290-96 (2018) has been discontinued as the process has become obsolete. Users should refer to the applicable sections and standards of the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and ASTM for information regarding retroreflectivity.

AASHTO M 290-96 (2018) History

AASHTO M 290-96 (2018)

AASHTO M 290-96 (2018)

$98.00 $196.51

AASHTO M 290-96 (2013)

AASHTO M 290-96 (2013)

$104.00 $208.38

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