• AASHTO M 33-99 (2016)

AASHTO M 33-99 (2016)

Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) [ASTM Designation: D994-98(2010)]

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 1999

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This specification covers bituminous preformed expansion joint filler for use in concrete construction.

Note—Attention is called to AASHTO M 153 and M 213.

AASHTO M 33-99 (2016) History

AASHTO M 33M/M 33-22

AASHTO M 33M/M 33-22

$32.00 $65.00

AASHTO M 33M/M 33-21

AASHTO M 33M/M 33-21

$27.00 $54.00

AASHTO M 33M/M 33-20

AASHTO M 33M/M 33-20

$27.00 $54.00

AASHTO M 33-99 (2016)

AASHTO M 33-99 (2016)

$27.00 $54.00

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