• AASHTO M 335-19 (2023)

AASHTO M 335-19 (2023)

Standard Specification for Steel-Reinforced Polyethylene (PE) Ribbed Pipe, 300- to 1500-mm (12- to 60-in.) Diameter

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2019

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This specification covers the requirements and methods of tests for steel-reinforced polyethylene (PE) ribbed pipe, couplings, and fittings for use in surface and subsurface drainage applications.

Nominal sizes of 300 to 1500 mm (12 to 60 in.) are included.

Materials, workmanship, dimensions, perforation, pipe stiffness, impact resistance, tensile strength of seams, shape stability, joining systems, and form of markings are specified.

Steel-reinforced PE ribbed pipe is intended for surface and subsurface drainage applications where soil provides support to its flexible walls. Its major use is to collect or convey drainage water by open gravity flow as culverts, storm drains, etc.

Note—When SRPE corrugated pipe is to be used in locations where the ends may be exposed, above ground, consideration should be given to protection of the exposed portions due to combustibility of polyethylene and the effects of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as corrosion of steel reinforcement.

This specification only deals with this pipe’s materials requirements. The structural design of steel reinforced thermoplastic culverts and the proper installation procedures are given in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 12, and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section 26, respectively. Upon request of the user or engineer, the manufacturer shall provide profile wall section detail required for a full engineering evaluation.

This standard was formerly designated as provisional standard MP 20.

AASHTO M 335-19 (2023) History

AASHTO M 335-19 (2023)

AASHTO M 335-19 (2023)

$44.00 $89.00

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