• AASHTO T 148-97 (2005)

AASHTO T 148-97 (2005)

Standard Method of Test for Measuring Length of Drilled Concrete Cores (ASTM Designation: C174-87)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 1997

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This test method covers determination of the length of a core drilled from a concrete pavement or structure.

AASHTO T 148-97 (2005) History

AASHTO T 148-07 (2011)

AASHTO T 148-07 (2011)

$18.00 $37.00

AASHTO T 148-97 (2005)

AASHTO T 148-97 (2005)

$17.00 $35.00

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