• AASHTO T 170-00 (2005)

AASHTO T 170-00 (2005)

Standard Method of Test for Recovery of Asphalt from Solution by Abson Method (ASTM Designation: D1856-95a)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2000

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This method covers the recovery, by the Abson Method, of asphalt from a previously conducted extraction with reagent-grade trichloroethylene or reagent-grade methylene chloride (see Note). The asphalt is recovered with properties substantially the same as those it possessed in the asphalt mixture and in quantity sufficient for further testing.

Note—Trichloroethylene conforming to ASTM D4080-96 or technical-grade methylene chloride may be used, but it is recommended that for each new supply of the solvent, a blank should be run on an asphalt of known properties. In case of dispute, reagent grade should be used.

AASHTO T 170-00 (2005) History

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