• AASHTO T 283-03

AASHTO T 283-03

Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2003

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This method covers preparation of specimens and the measurement of the change of diametral tensile strength resulting from the effects of water saturation and accelerated water conditioning, with a freeze-thaw cycle, of compacted asphalt mixtures. The results may be used to predict long-term stripping susceptibility of the asphalt mixtures and evaluate liquid anti-stripping additives that are added to the asphalt binder or pulverulent solids, such as hydrated lime or portland cement, which are added to the mineral aggregate.

AASHTO T 283-03 History

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