• AASHTO T 283-22

AASHTO T 283-22

Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2022

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This method covers preparation of specimens and the measurement of the change of diametral tensile strength resulting from the effects of water saturation and accelerated water conditioning, with a freeze–thaw cycle, of compacted asphalt mixtures. The results may be used to predict long-term stripping susceptibility of the asphalt mixture and evaluate liquid antistripping additives that are added to the asphalt binder or pulverulent solids, such as hydrated lime or portland cement, which are added to the mineral aggregate.

AASHTO T 283-22 History

AASHTO T 283-22

AASHTO T 283-22

$43.00 $86.00

AASHTO T 283-21

AASHTO T 283-21

$39.00 $78.00

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$39.00 $78.00

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