• AASHTO T 304-08

AASHTO T 304-08

Standard Method of Test for Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 08/01/2008

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This method describes the determination of the loose uncompacted void content of a sample of fine aggregate. When measured on any aggregate of a known grading, void content provides an indication of that aggregate's angularity, sphericity, and surface texture compared with other fine aggregates tested in the same grading. When void content is measured on an as-received fine aggregate grading, it can be an indicator of the effect of the fine aggregate on the workability of a mixture in which it may be used.Three procedures are included for the measurement of void content. Two use graded fine aggregate (standard grading or as-received grading), and the other uses several individual size fractions for void content determinations.

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