• AASHTO TP 96-13 (2015)

AASHTO TP 96-13 (2015)

Standard Method of Test for Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2013

Publisher: AASHTO

File Format: PDF


This method covers test methods and selection criteria for prequalification of sealers for protecting new concrete or prolonging the life of sound in-service concrete used in highway structures. Sealer testing and evaluation for routine and job site product quality assurance, field performance, and re-application are provided in the “Guideline for Quality Assurance, Job Site Quality Control, and Reapplication of Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete.”

Sealers are divided into two basic types: coatings, which remain on the surface; and penetrants, which penetrate into the concrete to some measurable depth and do not substantially change the appearance of the concrete.

AASHTO TP 96-13 (2015) History

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AASHTO TP 96-13 (2015)

$144.00 $288.04



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