• ACI 301-99

ACI 301-99

Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings

American Concrete Institute , 01/01/1999

Publisher: ACI

File Format: PDF


This specification is a Reference Specification that the engineer or architect can make applicable to anyconstruction project by citing it in the Project Specification. The architect / engineer supplements theprovisions of this Reference Specification as needed by designating or specifying individual projectrequirements.This document covers materials and proportioning of concrete; reinforcing and prestressing steels;production, placing, finishing, and curing of concrete; and formwork design and construction. Methods oftreatment of joints and embedded items, repair of surface defects, and finishing of formed and unformedsurfaces are specified. Separate sections are devoted to architectural concrete, lightweight concrete, massconcrete, prestressed concrete, and shrinkage-compensating concrete. Provisions governing testing,evaluation, and acceptance of concrete as well as acceptance of the structure are included.

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