ACI PRC-334.1-22

Concrete Shell Structures - Guide

American Concrete Institute , 06/01/2022

Publisher: ACI

File Format: PDF


ACI PRC-334.1-22 PDF

This guide discusses the practical aspects of shell design, including recommendations for designers of thin concrete shells. General guidance based on current practice is given on analysis, proportioning, reinforcing, and construction. A selected bibliography on analytical methods, featuring design tables and aids, is included to assist the engineer.

The design and construction of thin shell structures continues to evolve as building techniques and technology advances. Thin shells are appealing because of their efficient use of materials. Historically, however, shells have often required labor-intensive formwork. Innovations in forming and placing concrete have reduced labor, thus increasing the use of thin shells. Labor-reducing processes include the use of shotcrete, frequently used in concert with the use of inflatable forms. For more information on inflated forms, refer to ACI 334.3R.

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