ACI SPEC-310.1-20

Specification for Polished Concrete Slab Finishes

American Concrete Institute , 11/01/2020

Publisher: ACI

File Format: PDF


ACI SPEC-310.1-20 PDF

This is a Reference Specification that the Architect/Engineer can apply to any construction project involving polished concrete slab finishes by citing it in the Project Specifications. A mandatory requirements checklist and an optional requirements checklist are provided to assist the Architect/Engineer in supplementing the provisions of this Specification as required or needed by designating or specifying individual project requirements.

The first section of this Specification covers general requirements for polished concrete slab finishes. The second section covers requirements for products and equipment, and the third section covers construction requirements. Provisions governing testing, evaluation, and acceptance of polished concrete slab finishes are included. This Specification for polished concrete slab finishes is applicable to both slabs-on-ground and suspended slabs.

Keywords: abrasive tooling; distinctness of image (DOI); edge polishing; grinding; haze; honing; mockup; polished concrete; polishing process; slab finish; specular gloss; surface defects.

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