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Aerospace Industries Association , 02/01/2003
Publisher: AIA
File Format: PDF
PURPOSE: This standard establishes the minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of personnel involved in nondestructive testing (NDT). These requirements include training, experience and examinations for personnel performing NDT in the aerospace manufacturing, service, maintenance and overhaul industries.
NOTE: In Europe the word "certification" may only be used when the certification process complies with the requirements of EN 45013 and the term "approval" would be used to denote a written statement by an employer that an individual has met specific requirements. For simplification the term "certification" as defined in paragraph 3.2 is used throughout this standard as a substitute for the term "approval".
APPLICABILITY: This standard applies to personnel using NDT methods to test and/or accept materials, products, components, assemblies or sub-assemblies. It also applies to those individuals directly responsible for the technical adequacy of the NDT methods used, as well as personnel performing external NDT technical audits or providing technical NDT training. This standard is not intended to apply to individuals who only have administrative authority over the personnel identified above, nor does it apply to research personnel developing technology for subsequent approval by a certified Level 3.
IMPLEMENTATION: This standard merges the NDT personnel certification requirements of NAS 410 and EN 4179. It introduces the concept of a National Aerospace NDT Board (NANDTB) from EN 4179, but it is not mandatory to have such a board for compliance with this document. Individuals currently certified in accordance with either NAS 410 or EN 4179 may have their current certification period extended to the maximum limits defined in Section 8 of this standard. Personnel do not need to recertify to the requirements of this standard until their current or extended certification expires.
COMMON METHODS: This standard contains detailed requirements for the applicable training, experience, and examination for the following common NDT methods:
Liquid Penetrant (PT)
Magnetic Particle (MT)
Eddy Current (ET)
Ultrasonic (UT)
Radiography (RT)
OTHER METHODS: This standard may apply to other NDT methods that can be used to determine the acceptability or suitability for intended service of a material, part, component, sub-assembly or assembly without impairment of the intended part function. Such methods include, but are not limited to, acoustic emission, neutron radiography, penetrant leak testing, thermography, holography, and computed tomography. The requirements for personnel training, experience, and examination for these other methods shall be as established by the cognizant NDT organization or NANDTB and shall be in accordance with the guidelines established for the methods listed in 1.3.
LEVELS OF QUALIFICATION: The levels of qualification established by this standard are:
Level 1 "Limited"
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
LEVELS OF CERTIFICATION: The levels requiring certification in accordance with this standard are:
Level 1 Limited
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