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Aerospace Industries Association , 05/31/2012
Publisher: AIA
File Format: PDF
This specification encompasses machines having the capability of efficiently machining present and predicted future aerospace materials. The specification includes machines with high rigidity characteristics and appropriate speed and feed ranges for use in efficiently machining the entire spectrum of aerospace material including aluminum, magnesium, steels, super alloys, refractories and other thermal resistant materials.
This specification provides a standard for the manufacture, performance, reliability, inspection and procurement of a series of horizontal and vertical spindle milling machines, knee and bed types, high and low speed. This standard lists minimum requirements and is not intended to limit design advances.
The machines shall be of the following type, size and class as specified by the procuring agency.
I Knee Type - Vertical
II Knee Type - Horizontal
III Bed Type - Vertical
IV Bed Type - Horizontal
Small, 28, 34 and 42 inch table travel
Medium, 50 and 60 inch table travel
Large, over 60 inch table travel
I High speed spindle
II Low speed spindle
$33.00 $66.00