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Aerospace Industries Association , 04/30/2021
Publisher: AIA
File Format: PDF
Perforated tape with variable block format as described in the following sections shall be usable, interchangeably, among numerically controlled machines which conform to the same format classification as shown in Appendix A. (Note: The degree of interchangeability will depend upon the conformity of the machines with respect to function, capacity, range, horsepower, geometric relationship of axes, preparatory, miscellaneous and tooling functions and use of absolute or incremental dimensions.)
This specification is intended to serve as a guide in the coordination of system design to minimize the variety of program manuscripts required, to promote uniformity of programming techniques, and to foster interchangeability of input tapes between numerically controlled machines of the same classification by type, process function, size, and accuracy. It is intended that simple numerically controlled machines-be programmed using a simple format which is systematically extensible for more complex machines.
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