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American National Standards Institute , 2017
Publisher: ANSI
File Format: PDF
This Standard provides minimum specifications for the quality and dimensions of naturally durable hardwood poles without preservative treatment to be used in single-pole utility structures. The poles described herein are considered as simple cantilever members subject to transverse loads only. Fiber strength values, provided as a basis for determining pole class sizes, apply only to poles that meet or exceed the minimum quality specifications. The pole class size tables for each fiber strength value for the naturally durable hardwood species represent their heartwood circumferences unless the sapwood also possesses high natural durability. These fiber strengths may be used to estimate the average groundline moment capacity of the naturally durable hardwood poles.
Only poles that meet the naturally durable hardwood species criteria established in this Standard will be allowed to be listed as an approved naturally durable hardwood pole.
$25.00 $50.00
$80.00 $161.00
$31.00 $63.00
$73.00 $146.00