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American National Standards Institute , 2010
Publisher: ANSI
File Format: PDF
This standard consists of specifications covering solid sawn-wood crossarms and braces manufactured from naturally durable hardwoods. The specifications are intended to cover communications crossarms, power crossarms, heavy-duty crossarms, and heavy-duty braces. Crossarms are intended primarily for use as beams. Heavy-duty crossarms may also be used as struts or columns in braced H-frames. Braces used may be tension-type, compression-type, or both.
Only crossarms and braces that meet the naturally durable hardwood species criteria established in this Standard will be allowed to be listed as an approved naturally durable hardwood cross arm or brace.
All naturally durable hardwood crossarms and braces listed in this Standard shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D2017-05 and have an Indicated Class of Resistance of “Resistant” for all applicable test fungi.
NOTE: This Standard does not purport to establish the durability or Indicated Class Resistance of any particular species listed herein. The users of this Standard shall review all pertinent data and make their own determination as to the appropriateness of the natural durability of a particular species for the user’s application.
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