ANSI Z535.2-2007

Environmental and Facility Safety Signs

American National Standards Institute , 11/15/2007

Publisher: ANSI

File Format: PDF


Establishes requirements for a uniform visual system of identification related to potential hazards in the environment. It provides for the design, application and use of signs and placards employing this visual alerting system.ContentsForeword1 Introduction2 Scope and Purpose2.1 Scope2.2 Purpose3 Application and Exceptions3.1 Application3.2 Exceptions4 Definitions5 Safety sign colors and formats5.1 DANGER signs5.2 WARNING signs5.3 CAUTION signs5.4 NOTICE signs5.5 Signs for safety instruction or safety equipment location5.6 Fire safety signs5.7 Directional arrow signs5.8 Special signs5.9 Sign classification selection6 Sign design/layout6.1 Three panel signs6.2 Two panel signs6.3 Application of sign formats by hazard classification7 Sign color specifications8 Safety symbols8.1 General8.2 Safety symbol use9 Letter style and size9.1 Letter style9.2 Letter size10 Sign finish11 Sign Placement12 Illumination13 Normative ReferencesFigures1 The safety alert symbol2 Format for the DANGER signal word panel3 Format for the WARNING signal word panel4 Format for the personal injury CAUTION signal word panel5 Format for the CAUTION signal word panel not related to personal injury when used asan alternate to NOTICE6 Format for the NOTICE signal word panel7 Formats of signal word panels used for safety instruction and safety equipment locationsigns 8 Example of fire extinguisher location sign9 Directional arrow (indicating movement to the right)10 Examples of signal word panels with various safety alert symbols-three-panel signhorizontal format11 Three-Panel Signvertical format12 Two-Panel Sign-vertical format 13 Three-Panel Sign-horizontal format14 Two-Panel Sign-horizontal format15 Two-Panel Sign-shortened signal word panel format16 Two-Panel Sign-side-by-side format17 Three-Panel Sign-horizontal format with symbol panel on right 18 Three-Panel Sign-horizontal format with message panel and symbol panel separated byline19 Three-Panel Sign-horizontal format with message panel and symbol panel separated bywhite space20 Figure 20 - Two-Panel Sign-signal word panel and symbol pane21 Two-Panel Sign-vertical format with message above symbol panel22 Two-Panel Sign-vertical format with message below symbol panelTables1 Application of sign panels formatsInformative AnnexesA Guidelines for increasing recognition of safety sign componentsB Principles and guidelines for the design of environmental and facility safety signsC Previous formats for signal word panelsD Risk estimation and signal word selectionE Informative references

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