ANSI Z535.5-2007

Safety Tags and Barricade Tapes (for Temporary Hazards)

American National Standards Institute , 11/08/2007

Publisher: ANSI

File Format: PDF


Safety tags and barricade tapes shall be used to identify a temporary hazard. They shall be used only until such time as the identified hazard is eliminated or the hazardous operation is completed. If a permanent sign or label is presented in a tag configuration, it shall comply with the provisions of ANSI Z535.4-2007, or ANSI Z535.2-2007Contents1 Introduction2 Scope and purpose2.1 Scope2.2 Purpose3 Definitions3.1 Accident3.2 Barricade tape3.3 Colors3.4 Hazard3.5 Intent3.6 Panel3.7 Permanent facility/environmental safety sign 3.8 Permanent product safety sign or label3.9 Safety tag (lock-out tag, accident prevention tag)3.10 Safety alert symbol3.11 Safety symbol3.12 Safety tag and barricade tape classifications 3.13 Signal word:3.14 Tag border4 Safety tags and barricade tape classifications4.1 DANGER tags and tape4.2 WARNING tags and tape4.3 CAUTION tags and tape4.4 NOTICE tags and tape5 Tag and tape format and color criteria5.1 Color5.2 Safety alert symbol5.3 Signal word panel5.4 Message panel5.5 Tag and tape design/layout6 Tag location, attachment methods, life expectancy, authorization 6.1 Tag location6.2 Barricade tape placement6.2.1 Placed to alert and inform the viewer6.2.2 Placed to be legible, non-distracting, and not hazardous6.3 Safety tag attachment methods6.4 Life expectancy6.5 Safety tag authorization7 Letter style, viewing distance, tag size and shape7.1 Letter style7.2 Letter size7.2.1 Letter height for barricade tape7.2.2 Viewing distance/letter height7.3 Tag size and shape8 Safety symbols8.1 General8.2 Symbol use9 ReferencesFigures1 Format for the safety alert symbol - equilateral triangle surrounding an exclamation mark2 Format for the DANGER signal word panel - white letters on safety red background, safety red exclamation mark.3 Format for the WARNING signal word panel - black letters on safety orange background, safety orange exclamation mark.4 Format for the personal injury CAUTION signal word panel - black letters on safety yellow background, safety yellow exclamation mark5 Format for the property damage only CAUTION signal word panel - black letters on safety yellow background6 Format for the NOTICE signal word panel - white italic letters on safety blue background.7 Format for tag borders8 Safety tag illustration9 Barricade tape illustrationAnnexesA Principles and Guidelines for the Design of Safety Tags and Barricade TapesB Previous Formats for Signal Word PanelsC Risk Estimation and Signal Word SelectionD Informative References

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