API MPMS Chapter 21.1

Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems - Section 1: Electronic Gas Measurement

American Petroleum Institute , 08/01/1993

Publisher: API

File Format: PDF


API MPMS Chapter 21.1 PDF

This standard describes the minimum specifications for electronic gas measurement systems used in the measurement and recording of flow parameters of gaseous phase hydrocarbons. Topics covered include definitions, calculational algorithms, data availability, audit and reporting requirements, equipment installation, calibration, and verification and security.

The procedures and techniques shown in this document are recommended for use with new measurement appli- cations. Gas measurement using existing equipment and techniques not in compliance with this standard may have a higher uncertainty than that based on the recommendations contained in this document.

This standard describes the minimum specifications for electronic gas measurement systems used in the measure- ment and recording of flow parameters of gaseous phase hydrocarbon and other related fluids for production and transmission custody transfer applications utilizing industry-recognized primary measurement devices. For the purpose of this standard, electronic correctors of the type used on linear meters were not considered to constitute an electronic gas measurement system.

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