API RP 2611 First Edition

Terminal Piping Inspection - Inspection of In-Service Terminal Piping Systems, First Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 06/01/2011

Publisher: API

File Format: PDF


API RP 2611 First Edition PDF

API 2611 covers the inspection of typical terminal piping systems within terminal boundaries, which includes off-plot piping. Off-plot piping includes, but is not limited to piping between facilities, piping that comes from or goes to a refinery, or other type facility, or piping that may cross a road, ditch or other property outside the confines of a terminal facility.

Piping for transportation of finished fuel products such as gasoline, diesel, lubricating oils, jet fuel and aviation fuel are covered by the scope of this document. Also covered are piping systems for nonfuel-type fluids. The piping for other terminal nonfuel-type fluids typically found in terminals, include asphaltic products, process water, transmix, slop water and biofuels.

The scope of this document does not include piping in a refinery facility, sanitary waste piping, cast iron piping and nonmetallic gravity flow piping systems.

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