AS 1038.5.1-1988

Coal and coke - Analysis and testing, Part 5.1: Gross specific energy of coal and coke - Adiabatic calorimeters

Standards Australia , 12/31/1987

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out a method for the determination of the gross specific energy at constant volume of coal or coke, using a bomb calorimeter with an adiabatic water jacket. Precision data and a method for determination of the mean effective heat capacity of the calorimeter are provided.

AS 1038.5.1-1988 History

AS 1038.5-1998

AS 1038.5-1998

$29.00 $58.08

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AS 1038.5.1-1988

AS 1038.5.1-1988

$20.00 $40.00

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