AS 1085.1-2002 Sup 1:2017

Railway track material, Part 1: Steel rails - History (Supplement 1 to AS 1085.1-2002)

Standards Australia , 12/22/2017

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out performance requirements and tests for welding of steel rail. Gives detailed requirements for flash butt welding, aluminothermic welding and metal arc welding (for repairs). Qualification of the welding procedure is covered, including criteria for requalification when parameters are changed. Test methods are given in appendices.

AS 1085.1-2002 Sup 1:2017 History

AS unavailable draft

AS unavailable draft

$89.00 $178.20

AS 1085.1-2002 Sup 1:2017

AS 1085.1-2002 Sup 1:2017

$61.00 $122.10

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AS 1085.1-2002 AMDT 1

$77.00 $154.02

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