• AS 1085.19:2023

AS 1085.19:2023

Railway track material, Part 19: Resilient fastening assemblies

Standards Australia , 02/13/2023

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 1085.19:2023 PDF

This Standard sets out the performance parameters for ensuring that the resilient fastening assemblies are safe and fit for purpose. It provides manufacturers and purchasers with performance requirements, test methods and in-field monitoring methods for ensuring a fit-for-purpose resilient fastening assembly. This Standard clarifies the separation of requirements for fastening assemblies from those for individual fastening components (clips, insulators, rail pads, spacers, shoulders and pins, and base plates), sleepers and other support structures.

AS 1085.19:2023 History

AS 1085.19:2023

AS 1085.19:2023

$84.00 $168.00

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AS 1085.19-2003

$48.00 $97.68

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