AS 1141.19:2018

Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 19: Fine particle size distribution in road materials by sieving and decantation

Standards Australia , 12/21/2018

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 1141.19:2018 PDF

This Standard sets out the method for the determination of the fine particle size distribution in road materials.

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document.

AS 1141.2, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 2: Basic testing equipment

AS 1141.3.1, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 3.1: Sampling — Aggregates

AS 1141.11.1, Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 11.1: Particle size distribution — Sieving Method

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