AS 1289.6.3.3-1997

Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 6.3.3: Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - Perth sand penetrometer test

Standards Australia , 06/05/1997

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


This Standard sets out the procedure for determining the resistance of a soil to penetration by a flat ended rod of 16 ±0.2 mm diameter driven with a 9 kg mass, dropping 600 mm. Use of the method is limited to granular soils with a maximum particle size not exceeding 2 mm, and a layer thickness of at least of 450 mm.

AS 1289.6.3.3-1997 History

AS 1289.6.3.3-1997

AS 1289.6.3.3-1997

$8.00 $16.50

AS 1289.F3.3-1984

AS 1289.F3.3-1984

$106.00 $213.47

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