• AS 1604-1993

AS 1604-1993

Timber - Preservative-treated - Sawn and round

Standards Australia , 01/01/1993

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Specifies requirements for penetration and retention of a range of preservatives for sawn and round timber for use in conditions where the material is exposed to decay, insect and marine borer attack hazards. This Standard does not apply to plywood and veneer timber. The composition of acceptable preservatives are given, and recommended treatments and levels are listed according to the anticipated exposure conditions. Appendices give information on hardwood not susceptible to lyctid attack, hazard classifications for various applications and the natural durability of commercial timbers.

AS 1604-1993 History

AS 1604.1:2012 Amd 1:2017

AS 1604.1:2012 Amd 1:2017

$149.00 $298.32

AS 1604.1-2012

AS 1604.1-2012

$27.00 $54.78

AS 1604.1-2010

AS 1604.1-2010

$39.00 $78.54

AS 1604.1-2005 AMDT 1

AS 1604.1-2005 AMDT 1

$94.00 $188.09

AS 1604-1993

AS 1604-1993

$31.00 $63.00

AS 1604-1980

AS 1604-1980

$36.00 $72.00

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