AS 1774.3-2000

Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods, Method 3: Determination of cold modulus of rupture

Standards Australia , 03/30/2000

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out a method for determining the cold modulus of rupture, under a three-point load system, of refractory bricks and monolithics.

AS 1774.3-2000 History

AS 1678.2.1.001

AS 1678.2.1.001

$8.58 $8.58

AS 1774.3-2000

AS 1774.3-2000

$18.00 $36.30

AS 1774.3-1992

AS 1774.3-1992

$8.00 $17.00

AS 1774.3-1981

AS 1774.3-1981

$11.00 $22.00

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