• AS 2678.1-1999

AS 2678.1-1999

Zinc sulfide concentrates - Chemical analysis, Part 1: Determination of zinc content - Solvent extraction and EDTA titrimetric method

Standards Australia , 01/01/1999

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out a solvent extraction/titrimetric method for determination of zinc contents in the range 11 percent to 62 percent in zinc sulfide concentrates. This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO 13291:1997.

AS 2678.1-1999 History

AS 2678.1-2008

AS 2678.1-2008

$31.00 $62.70

AS 2678.1-1999

AS 2678.1-1999

$39.00 $78.54

AS 2678.1-1984

AS 2678.1-1984

$14.00 $29.00

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