AS 2885-1987

Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum known as the SAA Pipeline Code

Standards Australia , 12/31/1986

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Specifies requirements for pipelines, including materials, design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, operating, and maintenance. Provides for single and multiphase hydrocarbons at operating pressure above 1050 kPa, or for interconnecting lines above 2000 kPa, and above 20 percent specified minimum yield within the operating range of -30 degrees Celsius to 200 degrees Celsius. Covers pipelines from wellhead assembly outlet to inlet valve of collection manifold, and includes submarine pipelines. Prepared as a consolidation, rationalization, and revision of AS 1697-1981, SAA Gas Pipeline Code (in part), AS 1958-1981, SAA Submarine Pipeline Code, and AS 2018-1981, SAA Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Code, and eventually (at the next edition) to supersede those Standards. During this period of co-existence a mixture of requirements from This Standard and AS 1697, AS 2018, or AS 1958 is not to be specified.

AS 2885-1987 History

AS 2885.2-2007

AS 2885.2-2007

$72.00 $144.54

AS 2885.2-2002

AS 2885.2-2002

$72.00 $144.54

AS 2885.2-1995 AMDT 1

AS 2885.2-1995 AMDT 1

$107.00 $214.78

AS 2885.2-1995 AMDT 2

AS 2885.2-1995 AMDT 2

$87.00 $175.34

AS 2885.2-1995

AS 2885.2-1995

$63.00 $127.00

AS 2885-1987

AS 2885-1987

$78.00 $156.00

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