AS 4707:2021

Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree-based Products - Requirements

Standards Australia , 09/15/2021

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 4707:2021 PDF

The objective of this standard is to allow organisations to provide accurate and verifiable information that forest and tree-based products originate from forests managed in accordance with the Australia/New Zealand Forestry Standard (ANZFS) and other sustainably managed forests recognised through PEFC mutual recognition, recycled material and/or controlled sources.

AS 4707:2021 History

AS 4707:2021

AS 4707:2021

$38.00 $76.00

AS 4707:2014

AS 4707:2014

$30.00 $61.38

AS 4707-2006

AS 4707-2006

$30.00 $61.38

More AS Standards PDF

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