AS 5013.24.1:2020

Food microbiology, Method 24.1: Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. - Detection method (ISO 11290-1:2017, MOD)

Standards Australia , 06/26/2020

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 5013.24.1:2020 PDF

This Standard adopts ISO 11290 1:2017 with modifications for Australia, which specifies a horizontal method for the detection of L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. (including L. monocytogenes).This Standard is applicable to —(a) products intended for human consumption and for the feeding of animals; and(b) environmental samples in the area of food production and food handling.

This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee FT-035, Food Microbiology, to supersede AS 5013.24.1—2009, Food microbiology, Method 24.1: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes — Detection method (ISO 11290‑1:1996, MOD).

The objective of this Standard is to specify a horizontal method for the detection of L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. (including L. monocytogenes).

This Standard is applicable to —

(a) products intended for human consumption and for the feeding of animals; and

(b) environmental samples in the area of food production and food handling.

This Standard is an adoption with national modifications, and has been reproduced from, ISO11290-1:2017, Microbiology of the food chain — Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. — Part 1: Detection method. The modifications are additional requirements and are set out in Appendix ZZ, which has been added at the end of the source text.

AS 5013.24.1:2020 History

AS 5013.24.1:2020

AS 5013.24.1:2020

$39.00 $78.00

AS 5013.24.1-2009

AS 5013.24.1-2009

$30.00 $60.06

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