AS 5100.3-2004

Bridge design, Part 3: Foundations and soil supporting structures

Standards Australia , 04/23/2004

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out minimum design requirements and procedures for the design of shallow footings, piles, retaining walls, soil supporting structures and anchorages for road, rail and pedesttrian bridges, culverts not specifically covered by other Standards and subways of conventional size and form, and the design of foundations for road furniture, in limit states format.

AS 5100.3-2004 History

AS 5100.3-2004 AMDT 1

AS 5100.3-2004 AMDT 1

$113.00 $226.87

AS 5100.3-2004

AS 5100.3-2004

$35.00 $71.94

More AS Standards PDF

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