AS ISO 18308:2022

Health informatics - Requirements for an electronic health record architecture

Standards Australia , 07/28/2022

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS ISO 18308:2022 PDF

AS ISO 18308:2022 identically adopts ISO 18308:2011, which defines requirements for the architecture of a system that processes, manages and communicates electronic health record (EHR) information: an EHR architecture. The requirements are formulated so that EHRs are faithful to the needs of healthcare delivery, are clinically valid and reliable, are ethically sound, meet prevailing legal requirements, support good clinical practice and facilitate data analysis for a multitude of purposes.


This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee IT-014, Health Informatics, to supersede AS 1SO 18308—2005, Health Informatics—Requirements for an electronic health record architecture (ISO/TS 18308:2004, MOD).

The objective of this document is to define the set of requirements for the architecture of a system that processes, manages and communicates electronic health record (EHR) information: an EHR architecture. The requirements are formulated to ensure that these EHRs are faithful to the needs of healthcare delivery, are clinically valid and reliable, are ethically sound, meet prevailing legal requirements, support good clinical practice and facilitate data analysis for a multitude of purposes.

This document does not specify the full set of requirements that need to be met by an EHR system for direct patient care or for other use cases, but the requirements defined by this document do contribute to the governance of EHR information within such systems.

This document is identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO 18308:2011, Health informatics — Requirements for an electronic health record architecture.

As this document has been reproduced from an International document, the following applies:

(a) In the source text “this International Standard” should read “this document”.

(b) A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.

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The terms “normative” and “informative” are used in Standards to define the application of the appendices or annexes to which they apply. A “normative” appendix or annex is an integral part of a Standard, whereas an “informative” appendix or annex is only for information and guidance.

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