AS ISO 18504:2022

Soil quality - Sustainable remediation

Standards Australia , 04/29/2022

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS ISO 18504:2022 PDF

AS ISO 18504:2022 identically adopts ISO 18504:2017, which provides procedures on sustainable remediation that demonstrably breaks the source-pathway-receptor linkages in a manner that has been shown to be sustainable on a site-specific basis under a specific legal context.

This document is intended to inform consideration of the concept of sustainable remediation in a local legal, policy, socio-economic and environmental context. It is not intended to prescribe which methods of assessment, indicators or weights to use.

The scope of this document is restricted to sustainable remediation that demonstrably breaks the source-pathway-receptor linkages in a manner that has been shown to be sustainable on a site-specific basis under a specific legal context.

The concepts of “green remediation” and “green and sustainable remediation” (GSR), which in some parts of the world are conflated with sustainable remediation, are neither endorsed nor discussed in this document.

This document is identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO 18504:2017, Soil quality — Sustainable remediation.

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