• ASAE/ASABE AD3918:2007 (R2020)

ASAE/ASABE AD3918:2007 (R2020)

Milking machine installation - Vocabulary

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers , 01/01/2011

Publisher: ASABE

File Format: PDF


ANSI/ASABE AD3918:2007, Milking machine installations- Vocabulary, is an adoption with deviations of the identically titled ISO document ISO 3918:2007, Milking machine installations-Vocabulary. Deviations noted where harmonization could not be achieved between ASABE and the International Standard.

ASAE/ASABE AD3918:2007 (R2020) History

ASAE/ASABE AD3918:2007 (R2020)
ASAE/ASABE S300.4 (ISO3918:2007)

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