• ASAE/ASABE D293.4 (R2021)

ASAE/ASABE D293.4 (R2021)

Dielectric Properties of Grain and Seed

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers , 01/01/2012

Publisher: ASABE

File Format: PDF


These data are provided for use in the design of equipment for radiofrequency (RF) or microwave dielectric heating applications, for applications in grain and seed moisture measurement by electrical methods, and for use in the development of other capacitive or RF energy-absorption sensing devices. The data are also useful in predicting the dielectric heating behavior of grain and seed subjected to high frequency and microwave electromagnetic fields.

ASAE/ASABE D293.4 (R2021) History

ASAE/ASABE D293.4 (R2021)


$96.00 $192.38

ASAE/ASABE D293.2 (R2010)

ASAE/ASABE D293.2 (R2010)

$130.00 $261.78

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