ASAE/ASABE EP267.7 (R2022)

Principles and Practices for Prevention of Mosquito Sources Associated With Irrigation

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers , 10/31/1996

Publisher: ASABE

File Format: PDF


The following principles and practices are recommended for prevention of mosquito production sources (i.e., breeding habitat) associated with irrigation and drainage systems in humid, semiarid, and arid areas. Although these practices apply to all mosquito species, the primary targets are those that transmit diseases to humans and animals. Information herein is directed towards engineering practices. Chemical and biological control measures are also part of a complete control program, and more complete, detailed information on their use should be obtained from appropriate sources. Complete mosquito control programs result from deliberate combinations of structural, management, and chemical/biological practices. Mosquito control programs may include possible conflicts with other irrigation and drainage project objectives such as creation of wildlife habitat, canal safety, and aesthetics that must be resolved.

The document does not address control measures for non?mosquito borne diseases associated with irrigation such as schistosomiasis, a serious disease vectored by snails that is a major problem in irrigated areas in the tropics. However, many of the same considerations for mosquito control will also apply to these other problems.

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