• ASAE/ASABE EP463.2 (R2024)

ASAE/ASABE EP463.2 (R2024)

Design, Construction and Maintenance of Subsurface Drains in Arid and Semiarid Areas

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers , 11/02/2009

Publisher: ASABE

File Format: PDF


This Engineering Practice is intended as a guide to engineers in the design and construction of subsurface drains in arid and semiarid regions where irrigation is often used to provide adequate water for crops. It is not designed to serve as a complete set of specifications or standards. This Engineering Practice is intended to complement ASABE Engineering Practices, ASAE EP480 Design of Subsurface Drains in Humid Areas and ASAE EP481 Construction of Subsurface Drains in Humid Areas.

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