• ASAE/ASABE ISO 4252:2007 (R2022)

ASAE/ASABE ISO 4252:2007 (R2022)

Agricultural tractors - Operator's workplace, access and exit - Dimensions

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers , 05/01/2012

Publisher: ASABE

File Format: PDF


ASABE/ISO 4252:2007, Agricultural tractors - Operator's workplace, access and exit - Dimensions, is an adoption without modifications of the identically titled ISO standard ISO 4252:2007, Agricultural tractors - Operator's workplace, access and exit - Dimensions

ASABE/ISO 4252:2007 specifies the design dimensions of agricultural tractors having a minimum track width exceeding 1 150 mm in respect of
a) the minimum dimensions of their access doorways,
b) the number, location and minimum dimensions of their emergency exits, and
c) their minimum internal clearance dimensions.

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