ASAE/ASABE S491 (R2022)

Graphic Symbols for Pressurized Irrigation System Design

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers , 03/31/1992

Publisher: ASABE

File Format: PDF


The purpose of this Standard is to establish a common set of symbols that represent equipment components and can be used in the design and planning of pressurized irrigation systems. Standardization of the graphic symbols makes irrigation plans and drawings more descriptive and easily understood.

Some irrigation systems may require the use of equipment for which this Standard does not provide a symbol. It is not the intent of this Standard to restrict or inhibit the creation and/or use of additional symbols that may be required by individual circumstances.

Symbols have not been included for items such as irrigation machines (i.e., center pivots, moving lateral, traveler, etc.) since these are manufactured irrigation systems.

This Standard does not specify the size of the symbols used, however the importance of legibility must be considered.

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