ASCE Manual of Practice No. 155

Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting

American Society of Civil Engineers , 03/07/2023

Publisher: ASCE

File Format: PDF


ASCE Manual of Practice No. 155 PDF

Sponsored by the Task Committee on Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting of the Committee on Trenchless Installation of Pipelines of the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute of ASCE

Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting details how engineers and construction professionals can utilize the Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting (DSPT) method, also known as Direct Pipe, a relatively recent innovation in the trenchless pipeline installation industry, which combines characteristics of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and conventional microtunneling to design and install pipelines in ground conditions that would be challenging for other trenchless methods.

Topics include

  • History of DSPT;
  • Overview of the DSPT method;
  • Parameters that should be considered when determining the applicability and constructability of a potential DSPT project;
  • Guidance on how to conduct site investigations that are critical to the DSPT process;
  • Design process involved in the DSPT installation method, pulling techniques from both HDD and microtunneling;
  • Installation stresses, evaluation, considerations, and calculations;
  • Contract documents and forms, delivery methods, and potential legal issues associated with DSPT projects; and
  • Overview of the construction phase of DSPT installations.
  • MOP 155 provides information on the DSPT method and serves as a contribution to the DSPT engineering practice to benefit engineers, owners, contractors, equipment manufacturers, and other project and industry stakeholders.

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