• ASME OM-1998

ASME OM-1998

Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants

ASME International , 01/01/1998

Publisher: ASME

File Format: PDF


This Subsection establishes the requirements for preservice ad inservice testing and examination of certain components to assess their operational readiness in light-water reactor power plants. It identifies the components subject to test or examination, responsibilities, methods, intervals, parameters to be measured and evaluated, criteria for evaluatig the results, corrective action, personnel qualification, and record keeping. These requirements apply to: (a) pumps and valves that are required to perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, in maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or in mitigating the consequences of an accident; (b) pressure relief devices that protect systems or portions of systems that perform one or more of these three functions; and dynamic restraints (snubbers) used in systems that perform one or more of these three functions. ISTB 1.1 - The requirements of this Subsection apply to certain centrifugal and positive dis- placement pumps that have an emergency power source. ISTC 1.1 - The requirements of this Subsection apply to certain valves and pressure relief devices ( and their actuating and position indicating systems. ISTD 1.1 - The requirements of this Subsection apply to certain dynamic restraints (snubbers). APPENDIX I The requirements of this Appendix apply to certain pressure relief devices (included in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, hereafter known as the BPV Code). APPENDIX II This Appendix establishes requirements for im- plementing and maintaining a Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program as discussed in TSTC 4.5.5.

ASME OM-1998 History

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