• ASTM D4962-17

ASTM D4962-17

Standard Practice for NaI(Tl) Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Water

ASTM International , 10/01/2018

Publisher: ASTM

File Format: PDF


This practice covers the measurement of radionuclides in water by means of gamma-ray spectrometry. It is applicable to nuclides emitting gamma-rays with energies greater than 50 keV. For typical counting systems and sample types, activity levels of about 40 Bq (1080 pCi) are easily measured and sensitivities of about 0.4 Bq (11 pCi) are found for many nuclides (1-10).2 Count rates in excess of 2000 counts per second should be avoided because of electronic limitations. High count rate samples can be accommodated by dilution or by increasing the sample to detector distance.

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