• ATIS 0600030.2016

ATIS 0600030.2016

Line-Powering of Telecommunications Equipment on Outside Plant (OSP) Copper Twisted Pair Loops

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions , 11/01/2016

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF


There are various standards that define telecommunications line-powering voltage limits, power limits, and safety-related precautions. This standard attempts to bring all those requirements into one document. This standard also addresses performance of line-, express-, and span-powering systems (also known as Remote Feeding Telecommunications Circuits [RFT]) in fault conditions and provides manufacturers, installers, and users of line power systems with a consistent fault condition testing and recording method. The fault current levels determined through this analysis can be compared to standards IEC 60479-1, Effects of Current on Human Beings and Livestock, Part 1- General Aspects and IEC 60479-2, Effects of Current on Human Beings and Livestock, Part 2- Special Aspects.

ATIS 0600030.2016 History

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ATIS 0600030.2016

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