• ATIS 0600416.02.1999(S2015)

ATIS 0600416.02.1999(S2015)

Network to Customer Installation Interfaces - Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET) Physical Media Dependent Specification: Single-Mode Fiber (formerly T1.416.02-1999 (R2005) )

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions , 04/01/1999

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF


This standard provides Physical Media Dependent (PMD) specifications for Single Mode Fiber Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET) network to customer installation interfaces. Criteria is given for standard rates associated with the Network Interface (NI). Criteria covered herein include SONET (PMD) criteria (such as optical parameters and connectors), and other necessary criteria for compliance with the optical specification at the NI and the proper interfacing of the connecting customer installation equipment. Compliance with this standard is intended to ensure compatibility at the SONET NI and should not be construed as a constraint on the internal operations of the network or customer installation equipment.

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